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P&C meeting

Tue, 21st February 2023 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Australia/Melbourne

Meadowbank P&C meetings are held 3rd Tuesday of each month during term at 7.30pm. Any parent/guardian can attend.

P&C meetings are a great way to:

  • get the inside story on what’s really happening in the school (not the gossip). The principal usually is available to answer questions and teachers sometimes attend too.
  • influence school policy (want a healthy canteen menu? Join the canteen committee management)
  • have a say in the development of school activities such as excursions, camps and curriculum.
  • guide school management in its financial planning by helping prioritise the resource wish-list.
  • contribute to the school’s resources through various fundraising projects.
  • meet other parents.

Schools have their own budgets —but invariably they need more than the budget allows. That’s where the parent committee becomes a valuable partner.

Here at Meadowbank, P&C run and manage the school canteen and uniform shop.

Fundraising is a powerful way in which to help your school get much-wanted additional resources—from extra library books to a shade cloth over a play area, new canteen kitchen equipment, playground resources etc.

School fundraising can take many forms from product drives to special event stalls (for Mothers’ Day or Fathers’ Day, for example) and social events—for students (like school discos), parents (such as comedy nights or wine tastings) and families (like trivia nights and BBQs). Parent committees are also the driving force behind big community events like fetes or carnivals.

